
What is Normal?

By William Wittreich - September 2016

In the context of today’s political polarization, religious and ethnic conflicts, and racial inequalities, it appears that modern man continually looks to standardize behavior, beliefs and lifestyles. Why, because it validates the perceived norm of the moment.  If you are in the club, then anyone outside is considered abnormal until they too join and become normal.  

In the book “The Gene” by Siddhartha Mukherjee, he states that “normalcy is the antithesis of evolution.”  Human beings perceive themselves as “evolved,” yet they spend an inordinate amount of time trying to convince others to think, act and live within their norm, counter to evolution.

Whether the discussion is within a scientific, political or a sociological framework, it is human nature to mistrust others that look, act or live differently than we do. Within our own brain we are normal, and others that are different in some way are not.  Herein lies the trap we must avoid falling into by recognizing that diversity in all living creatures is what allows them to survive.  The more we push to normalize, the less likely we are to adapt to changes which ultimately could bring our demise, physically, socially and intellectually.

The reference to genetics above points to the ongoing discussion among scientists about using modern techniques to manipulate the human genome to improve human beings.  What constitutes “improvement” is highly subjective.  Be assured that improving could mean normalizing at the expense of diversity.  This is definitely uncharted territory for the human race, providing a true test of finding an equilibrium between engineered improvement and natural selection.

This is not to say that developing drugs and medical procedures to cure human maladies through genetic research, or implementing laws to enforce social norms needs to suppress diversity. There will always be the need to find a balance for the greater good of a populace.  But, concurrent is the need to shift human perception to nurture, foster and encourage diversity.  We should celebrate diversity, and teach our children to view the world with as open a perspective as possible.

Looking at some examples of lost or decreased diversity can start with US politics.  Our current federal political system favors the power of only two parties, which dissuades diversity in political thinking.  Encouraging diversity could start with bringing the Libertarian and Green parties into the national debates and letting them politically mix things up.  How about some Latino, gay or women-centric political parties to offset the current white, male dominated political power base?  Robin Williams once stated that the British Parliament was like the US Congress with a two-drink minimum.  But, their Parliament consistently has numerous political parties interacting and they certainly inject their legislative process with spirited discussion and debate.

Diversity, the expression of  unique identity, is also slipping away at the US state level. Why have some states in recent history threaten secession from the US?  They are frustrated because they are losing their unique identity to the federal government.  What if a federal norm is counter to a state’s norm?  The current political environment encourages consolidation of power at the federal level, and reduction of diversity among the states.  With the current deadlock at the federal congressional level, states have an opportunity to reestablish an identity that reflects the ideals and morality of their populus.  Gun control, abortion rights, marijuana legalization and assisted suicide are a few examples.

Racial unrest in the US is another topic that begs for reexamination within the context of normalcy.  Over the last 50 years, there have been significant sociological changes in white people’s acceptance of people of color.  But true diversity should embrace the fact that there will always be some bigotry between races.  Racial bigotry is not unique to whites, and the societal suppression of those innate feelings only fosters anger, hatred and violence. This is human nature and as soon as we all embrace it, the sooner the root of much of the unrest will be understood.  Let people think what they want, as long as there is a clear understanding that there is no place for violence or suppressive actions. This means allowing diversity in thought and the right to articulate those thoughts as long as they don’t go beyond thought and speech.

In the broader geopolitical arena, the western world could reexamine its efforts to impose its ideals on the rest of the world.  Why is there so much hatred and distrust between the Muslim world and the west?  Independent of the US’s support for Israel, it is partly because it is perceived that the western world is trying to tell the Muslim world what is normal.  The Muslim cultural evolution has ingrained in its people some deeply rooted beliefs, and “norms”, many of which are counter to western views.  An example is the status of women in Muslim society, with a burqa-clad woman being in sharp contrast to the appearance of most western women.  Even the suggestion of the imposition of western ways inflames and empowers anti-western sentiment in Muslim countries.  Embracing and celebrating the diversity in our cultures can certainly help to undermine the fundamentals of extremism.

A final example is the loss of diversity in how we get our news.  It is not a new concept that they who controls the narrative, controls the minds of the populus.  If we as individuals only get news from a source that reenforces our own knowledge base, and we gravitate toward others that share our beliefs, then our view of the world becomes very narrow.  Focusing on news channels and print media that provide support for an ideology means what is normal is already decided for us, so there is no need to think about it. There are people in the US that label the media as an enemy of the state because the media does think about what is normal, and they question decisions, viewpoints and actions of those in power.  If the narrowing of news sources is the equivalent of genetic engineering of information, then within that framework diversity can certainly be suppressed and what is normal can be engineered.

Every day we are subject to external influences that mold our perception of the world,  If those influences would teach us that it is normal to be different, then that could be a foundation for understanding and hopefully decreasing political division, racial bias and cultural clashes.  It is hard to think “outside the box” if social norms constantly influence us to stay inside the box. Hopefully this discussion will be the catalyst for expanding viewpoints on what is normal and foster the celebration of diversity in all aspects of our lives.

Please send your comments on this article to william@wwittreich.com